Monday, September 8, 2008

Boys Week-end

Chilcote Boys Week-end

There has been a yearly tradtion for sometime now that the Chilcote boys and their sons go camping for a week-end. It is a tradtion that my sons look forward to every year. And as a mother I have so thrilled to see them enjoy in that time with not only their dad but their Grandpa, Uncles, & cousins!

This year was a little bit differnet. As luck would have it the yearly retreat was held at the MacKay family cabin. Jonathan, due to football weigh-ins, was unable to go up with his dad & brothers on Firday and was disappointed to be missing out. So, I agreed to drive him to the cabin so he could be there also. Rather than turn around to come home, Lane and I had decided to extend the trip to the cabin and make it our last family vacation before school began. Giving me a full day with the special boys/men in my life.

I have such a great love and admiration for my dad and brothers. So it was such a meaningful experience to be with them. It was time well spent and who knows, maybe I will be going every year in the future! tee hee hee

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day of School

All of my kids started school on the same day this year! That was a little weird. I took this picture as the were getting ready to walk out the door to catch their ride to school. I sure think they look cute in their uniforms. And I love that even the preschool kids wear uniforms too. Nathan embarks on a new adventure this year as he started Junior High. He will be on an 8 period schedule with A & B days.

Truthfully, I sent my kids out the door with feelings of anticipation & anxiety. Is that possible? I am so excited to be back to a schedule and nervous about the homework and ability to meet all the demands that being on a schedule brings!