Monday, September 8, 2008

Chilcote Boys Week-end

There has been a yearly tradtion for sometime now that the Chilcote boys and their sons go camping for a week-end. It is a tradtion that my sons look forward to every year. And as a mother I have so thrilled to see them enjoy in that time with not only their dad but their Grandpa, Uncles, & cousins!

This year was a little bit differnet. As luck would have it the yearly retreat was held at the MacKay family cabin. Jonathan, due to football weigh-ins, was unable to go up with his dad & brothers on Firday and was disappointed to be missing out. So, I agreed to drive him to the cabin so he could be there also. Rather than turn around to come home, Lane and I had decided to extend the trip to the cabin and make it our last family vacation before school began. Giving me a full day with the special boys/men in my life.

I have such a great love and admiration for my dad and brothers. So it was such a meaningful experience to be with them. It was time well spent and who knows, maybe I will be going every year in the future! tee hee hee

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Okay showoff, your blog puts mine to shame. You will have to teach me how to add slide shows and music. Great pics - looks like a lot of fun.